Most Popular anti-aging Treatments in Sydney

Xara Skin Clinic

Most Popular anti-aging Treatments in Sydney

Preserving the skin of our youth is part of one of our primary concerns, which is why we offer you the Anti-Ageing Clinic. Just visit the best skin care clinic nearby to have the best non-surgical Ageing Treatments.

Beyond preventive skin care, cosmetic products, some of which act to curb the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles or sagging skin, there are simple and practical actions to keep beautiful skin longer.

A healthy lifestyle is based on a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, and a good quality of sleep, but also sufficient sun protection. But that is not always enough to fight against time, and you need to consult any Anti-Ageing Clinic so that you can have a better understanding.

That’s why dermatologists today offer innovative solutions that have become very popular in Australia.

A real craze for cosmeceuticals

Cosmeceuticals are a favourite of Aussies with cosmeceuticals and pharmaceuticals. Useful because of their powerful concentration and because they act in-depth.

Unlike over-the-counter cosmeceuticals that have a surface action, they are prescribed by dermatologists who choose and adapt the treatment according to your skin type.

Newcomers include tretinoin, a vitamin A drug used in the treatment of acne! Anti-Ageing Clinic has just recognized their virtues in the fight against aging following a precise study confirming a better rate of collagen contained in the dermis after a course of 6 to 12 months!

The treatment is, however not without risks of more or less troublesome side effects such as irritation or peeling of the skin. But the results are there.

Tazarotene is also a useful product for treating the damage caused by the excess sun. It refines the texture of the skin, repairs wrinkles, and restores radiance. It must be used in the long term, the results being visible only after 12 months.

Most Popular anti-aging Treatments in Sydney

Great options from Xara Skin Clinic to turn back time call them now

Skin resurfacing

Peeling, injections, laser, and skin tightening technologies are innovative, efficient, and durable. We understand why they are acclaimed.

Skin rejuvenation

The glycolic peel (AHA) is particularly useful in treating the signs of ageing and fine lines. It addresses the loss of elasticity of the skin on the principle of a more or less important exfoliation according to the concentration chosen by stimulating the production of collagen.

It eliminates tasks, great for sun damage reduces wrinkles and firms the tissues. It also treats dull skin and tightens pores durably.

Cosmetic Injection

Injections have effects of muscle relaxants or filling, depending on the product concerned. Injected directly into the muscle, botulinum toxin treats forehead wrinkles, glabella, or goose pasta.

Its effect is temporary, and it is advisable to renew the product every 4 to 6 months. At Xara's, there is no medical team medical grade anti-wrinkle injections dermal fillers lip, why? Because unlike anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers, there injection anti-wrinkle treatments fix the problem rather than hide it

Skin tightening

Hyaluronic acid, according to its viscosity, is recommended to overcome the hollows of the face, the corners of the mouth, so-called folds of bitterness, or the nasolabial folds. Its action lasts between 6 and 12 months. Its main interest is that it is biodegradable.

Semi-permanent products are exciting depending on the objectives

It is l-polylactic acid for the cheeks, temples, and dark circles or calcium hydroxyapatite for the restoration of facial contours. Injected in the deep dermis, they last between 2 and 3 years.

Laser lift

The fractional ablative laser acts by the microscopic thermal effect on the dermis.

It destroys target cells without damaging surrounding areas to stimulate collagen production, firm skin, and tighten pores. It erases stains, lifts wrinkles and allows very targeted facial remodelling.


They have a natural lift alternative to breast augmentation without medical surgery or augmentation risks.


The offerings to give you a more youthful appearance at Xara Skin Clinic NSW associated with an excellent nutritional balance enable us to cross all stages of life with more lightness both from the internal point of view and from the external point of view. Without losing sight of the fact that for satisfactory results, it is always better to act as soon as possible.

Other options

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  • diode laser hair removal
  • acne scars treatments
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  • picosecond laser tattoo removal
  • no excessive sweating surgery
  • and much more to find the experience

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